EJM Advice
Creating Happiness
We provide simple, tailored financial solutions to help people achieve their financial goals.

We know that finances can be challenging and overwhelming.

You’ve worked hard your whole life. You deserve to look forward to a future of financial freedom, not spend your time planning and stressing.

Avoid making money mistakes and secure your future with a tailored financial plan from EJM Financial Services.

Our dedicated team have over 160 years of financial planning experience and expertise to support couples, families and retirees achieve their perfect lifestyle.


At EJM, our team is truly passionate about helping our clients succeed. Whether that means creating a secure future for your family, or retiring on your terms, we’re here to help.


Finally, secure the financial freedom you deserve. Join people just like you who now have a clear pathway to live their best life now and in the future.

Life is too short to worry about money.

We can help. Take the first steps towards achieving financial freedom.

We know that you are unique.

When it comes to your financial plan, you deserve a unique, personalised strategy to suit your every need.

That’s why we’ve developed a 3-step plan that ensures:
  • You receive a personalised plan that focuses on your goals.
  • You know the exact steps you need to take for success.
  • All the hard work is done for you, allowing you to focus on doing more of what you love.

Our Services

No matter what stage of life you’re in, you can rest assured our dedicated team, has the knowledge and experience to help.

Superannuation and SMSFs

Superannuation is usually your biggest asset leading into retirement. It is also a tax-effective way to save for your retirement. We can help you take control of your super, understand your investment options, to achieve your financial goals sooner.


Personal insurance should form an integral part of your overall financial plan. Your health and earning capacity are two of the most important assets you have. We help you prepare for the unexpected, so you and your family are protected no matter what the future holds.

Retirement Planning

Your retirement is a time where you deserve to sit back and relax. But all that only comes after planning. The earlier you start, the more opportunities you will have to enjoy the retirement you truly want.

The EJM Financial Services 3-step plan for success

Step 1

Book a complimentary strategy session – a no-cost, no obligation meeting where we look at your current situation, discuss your goals, and begin building a plan to achieve them.

Step 2

Together, we will establish your plan for financial success. A plan you are comfortable and confident with - and most importantly, that will bring you peace of mind.

Step 3

Move towards your financial freedom – your financial plan and ongoing reviews with our experienced advisers will ensure you remain on track to achieve your full potential and live your best life.

Creating Happiness

Here at EJM Financial Services, we pride ourselves on ensuring that you, our client, achieve your life goals. They may be small or big, they may be short term or long term, and our only objective is to Create Happiness for you and your family.

"I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM."

With the exception of reading the odd "Finance for Dummies” book, I had no idea what getting financial advice would be like. I assumed that my consultation with Brendan would involve looking at my asset to liability ratio, and then a whole heap of judgement about my past financial decisions. Boy, was I wrong, (thankfully).

The best part of working with EJM was taking the time to reflect on what REALLY makes me happy. When you take a step back and you look at happiness more holistically (and stop treating your bank balance as the only indicator), it's amazing what you can achieve.

I knew that if I wanted to reach my end goal of being able to take 6-12 months off work to drive around Australia, then I would need to make some changes. Now, two years into my journey, I'm credit card free (for the first time in 15 years) and I have savings starting to grow in preparation for my adventure. The best bit is that I've not had to sacrifice my love of travel in the meantime.

What happiness looks like is different for everyone. I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM. They have been wonderful to work with and make me feel confident that my future is bright (and very HAPPY).

Melissa Gundrill
"I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM."

With the exception of reading the odd "Finance for Dummies” book, I had no idea what getting financial advice would be like. I assumed that my consultation with Brendan would involve looking at my asset to liability ratio, and then a whole heap of judgement about my past financial decisions. Boy, was I wrong, (thankfully).

The best part of working with EJM was taking the time to reflect on what REALLY makes me happy. When you take a step back and you look at happiness more holistically (and stop treating your bank balance as the only indicator), it's amazing what you can achieve.

I knew that if I wanted to reach my end goal of being able to take 6-12 months off work to drive around Australia, then I would need to make some changes. Now, two years into my journey, I'm credit card free (for the first time in 15 years) and I have savings starting to grow in preparation for my adventure. The best bit is that I've not had to sacrifice my love of travel in the meantime.

What happiness looks like is different for everyone. I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM. They have been wonderful to work with and make me feel confident that my future is bright (and very HAPPY).

Melissa Gundrill
"I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM."

With the exception of reading the odd "Finance for Dummies” book, I had no idea what getting financial advice would be like. I assumed that my consultation with Brendan would involve looking at my asset to liability ratio, and then a whole heap of judgement about my past financial decisions. Boy, was I wrong, (thankfully).

The best part of working with EJM was taking the time to reflect on what REALLY makes me happy. When you take a step back and you look at happiness more holistically (and stop treating your bank balance as the only indicator), it's amazing what you can achieve.

I knew that if I wanted to reach my end goal of being able to take 6-12 months off work to drive around Australia, then I would need to make some changes. Now, two years into my journey, I'm credit card free (for the first time in 15 years) and I have savings starting to grow in preparation for my adventure. The best bit is that I've not had to sacrifice my love of travel in the meantime.

What happiness looks like is different for everyone. I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM. They have been wonderful to work with and make me feel confident that my future is bright (and very HAPPY).

Melissa Gundrill
"I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM."

With the exception of reading the odd "Finance for Dummies” book, I had no idea what getting financial advice would be like. I assumed that my consultation with Brendan would involve looking at my asset to liability ratio, and then a whole heap of judgement about my past financial decisions. Boy, was I wrong, (thankfully).

The best part of working with EJM was taking the time to reflect on what REALLY makes me happy. When you take a step back and you look at happiness more holistically (and stop treating your bank balance as the only indicator), it's amazing what you can achieve.

I knew that if I wanted to reach my end goal of being able to take 6-12 months off work to drive around Australia, then I would need to make some changes. Now, two years into my journey, I'm credit card free (for the first time in 15 years) and I have savings starting to grow in preparation for my adventure. The best bit is that I've not had to sacrifice my love of travel in the meantime.

What happiness looks like is different for everyone. I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM. They have been wonderful to work with and make me feel confident that my future is bright (and very HAPPY).

Melissa Gundrill
"I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM."

With the exception of reading the odd "Finance for Dummies” book, I had no idea what getting financial advice would be like. I assumed that my consultation with Brendan would involve looking at my asset to liability ratio, and then a whole heap of judgement about my past financial decisions. Boy, was I wrong, (thankfully).

The best part of working with EJM was taking the time to reflect on what REALLY makes me happy. When you take a step back and you look at happiness more holistically (and stop treating your bank balance as the only indicator), it's amazing what you can achieve.

I knew that if I wanted to reach my end goal of being able to take 6-12 months off work to drive around Australia, then I would need to make some changes. Now, two years into my journey, I'm credit card free (for the first time in 15 years) and I have savings starting to grow in preparation for my adventure. The best bit is that I've not had to sacrifice my love of travel in the meantime.

What happiness looks like is different for everyone. I'm incredibly grateful that my version of happiness was fully supported by the team at EJM. They have been wonderful to work with and make me feel confident that my future is bright (and very HAPPY).

Melissa Gundrill
"Thank you Manny and all the team at EJM. I feel like I’m part of your family"

Me and my husband, Walter, were introduced to Manny in 2015 by our previous financial adviser who was retiring and recommended Manny and the EJM team. How lucky were we, and especially myself, as my darling husband passed away in 2017. I worked as a radiographer until my retirement three years ago.

Manny’s advice and guidance have been outstanding. I refer to it as the “Exceptional Journey to Managing” (EJM) our financial destiny.

In short, I have a comfortable and tranquil life. I’ve got a big smile on my face. Thank you Manny and all the team at EJM. I feel like I’m part of your family more than a customer.

Trish Zicari
"We look forward to our continuing guidance and have absolute confidence in all the advice."

I am writing this as a happy retiree. I have known Manny for many years now and all of his advice, care, and planning has helped me achieve a personal goal of retiring with the knowledge that I can continue a lifestyle where I can still enjoy doing things and going places with my wife Gina, and still live happily and comfortably week to week.

I have only been in retirement now for six months but I can honestly say I feel very comfortable. Knowing that you have the financial backing to help you continue until well into your nineties is most important.

Manny’s personal care and guidance in our financial matters have been an absolute winner. The continual home visits and catch-ups with our finances and just letting us know where we are at with our superannuation funds is most gratifying.

Manny has helped us with forward planning. We look forward to our continuing guidance and have absolute confidence in all the advice given by Manny and his courteous staff at EJM.

Charlie & Gina Fenech
"Manny has helped and advised us on many things over the years and his advice has always been right."

We met Manny in the late 80s. He used to come to our house back then, and it was like having a friend drop in. He was so easy to talk to and we could follow his instructions easily.

He filled us in on what Mick was to do to have a comfortable retirement. It is such a relief to know that we will be able to spend our retirement years doing what we love, travelling around Australia in our caravan enjoying our beautiful country.

Manny has helped and advised us on many things over the years and his advice has always been right. We thank him for that.

We look forward to continuing our friendship with the team at EJM for many years to come.

Mick & Patsy Andrews
"We would have been lost in planning our retirement on our own."

Several years, ago we were referred to EJM by my daughter who was very happy with the advice they had provided her and her partner. We met with Manny and he explained the advice process and we were immediately relieved as it seemed simple enough.

Over the years Manny and the EJM team have helped us plan for our retirement and several years ago, we retired successfully and we have a secure income and peace of mind knowing that the team at EJM keep an eye on things and are always there for us to answer questions and help.

We would have been lost in planning our retirement on our own and this played heavy on our mind. With the EJM team, this stress has been removed and we are thoroughly enjoying our retirement. We look forward to working with Manny and his team over the coming years as his entire team is friendly and courteous.

Geoffrey & Robyn Golightly
"We will be forever grateful for the help and support that is available through EJM."

We first met Brendan through recommendation from my best friend Hanna. When we met with Brendan, we were not in a very good spot financially. We had just become close to losing our first home and two cars that we had together. Paul losing his job and having a 6-month old baby girl - it was a very stressful time.

After working through our financials with Brendan, we were on the road to recovery. Now 6 years later, we are in such an amazing spot financially. It is wonderful. If we hadn’t met Brendan, I honestly don’t know where we would be.

We will be forever grateful for the help and support that is available through EJM. Now we are excited to see the next chapter in our life begin.

Paul & Jayne Pozzan

The 7 Fatal Financial Planning Mistakes


Download our FREE E-BOOK

Download our FREE E-BOOK

The 7 Fatal Financial Planning Mistakes


Life really is too short to worry about money.

Follow our simple 3-step plan to reach your financial freedom sooner.
Let us help create your happiness.